September 11, 2024
Press Release

“No More Trump Tariffs” Banner Flies Above Husker Harvest Days


(Columbus, OH) – Rural USA PAC, which supports candidates for public office who champion the values of our rural communities, announced today that they have purchased and are flying an aerial banner over Husker Harvest Days highlighting the need to end Trump's tariffs. President Trump's tariffs cost American farmers over $13 billion in retaliation from other countries alone, according to USDA. Trump has said that if returns to the White House he will levy tariffs of 60 percent on China and 10 percent on all other markets, a move that would have devastating consequences for American agriculture exports. Husker Harvest Days is he world’s largest totally irrigated working farm show.

“Trump's tariffs reduced American exports and hurt our farmers,” said Chris Gibbs President of Rural USA PAC and an Ohio farmer who owns and operates a 560 acre corn, soybeans, alfalfa, and cow/calf operation. "Now that Trump is playing up tariffs as the cure for every economic problem, we need to remind farmers that they are the ones who'll feel that pain when other countries retaliate."


Rural USA PAC is dedicated to advancing the interests of rural America through advocacy, engagement, and accountability. Our mission is to promote and support candidates for public office who champion the values of our rural communities and are committed to sustainability, growth, and rural prosperity. We are committed to ensuring that rural voices are not only heard but also heeded in the decision-making processes that shape our nation.

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